Eastward Ho! Country Club
In 1622, William Bradford, the leader of the Plymouth Colony, came to Cape Cod in the ship "Swan" to trade with the Indians whose settlement was in the area now occupied by the Eastward Ho! Country Club. The links are in the form of an hourglass, with the Clubhouse located at the waist. The first nine holes stretch away to the east toward the Atlantic, which is visible from almost any point; the second nine lie to the west and, for the most part, are closely tied in with the shores of magnificent Pleasant Bay. Present-day golfers will agree after playing the course in various weather conditions (of which there is no lack) that the designer has provided a real test for the skilled who possess the treasured low handicap as well as the weekend duffer. All of the shots of golf are present; the lies, while at times exasperating, must be acknowledged as demanding great technique, and the effect of the almost ever-present wind can change club selection for the same shot from one day to the next—from an easy eight iro... visit Eastward Ho! Country Club »